Kujengea Uwezo

Kuanzishwa kwa Baraza
  • 04 Aug, 2021
Kuanzishwa kwa Baraza

The Tanzania National Business Council (“The Council” or “TNBC”) was established through Presidential Circular No. 1 of 2001 published in the Government Gazette No.39 issued on 28th September 2001. The main objectives of the TNBC include:


  1. To provide a forum for PPDs with a view of reaching mutual consensus and understanding of strategic issues relating to the efficient management of development resources.
  2. To promote the goals of economic growth with social-equity and even development
  3. To review from time to time development in external and domestic business environment, the challenges they pose to Tanzania, and propose a course of action
  4. To exchange views on the prevailing operating and regulatory environment, and propose ways to facilitate the public service delivery and make the civil service business friendly
  5. To encourage and promote the formulation of the coordinated policies on social and economic matters, including consideration of existing and proposed economic legislation, and make recommendations through the government to parliament or other appropriate bodies
  6. To consider any other matter deemed relevant to the achievement of the above objectives.