Mabaraza ya Wilaya
Mabaraza ya Wilaya
In the effort to ensure that the Public Private Dialogues are conducted at all levels, TNBC established sub- national Public Private Dialogues through Regional and Districts Business Councils(RBCs and DBCs) in 2005 and 2008 respectively. The RBCs and DBCs are chaired by Regional Commissioners and District Commissioners, with representation from public sector and private sector from the respective locality.
The aim of establishing Regional and District level PPDs is to enable Local government to address business and investment challenges in LGAs where regular interaction with businesses happens. TNBC is responsible for building capacity of RBCs and DBCs and scaling up issues that require national attention, to the national level dialogues.
TNBC has issued PPD Guidelines for Regional Business Councils (RBCs) and District Business Councils (DBCs), with the aim to increase effectiveness of regional dialogues in delivering reforms that improve business environment. The Regional dialogues are obliged to customize and deliver TNBC functions at their respective administrative and authoritative levels. The Regional and District Business Councils meetsquarterly, thus Four (4) PPD meetings per year for each Regional and Districts.
Key highlights of RBCs’ and DBCs’achievements include:
The presidential circular no. 1 establishing TNBC requires TNBC affairs are financed on cost sharing basis between the Government and Private Sector.
Development Partners also plays a critical rolein supportingand facilitating improved business environment and private sector development in Tanzania. These supports have been extended through government or private sector. Some of the Development Partners supported programs which support PPDs include Danida through Local Investment Climate programme, IFC, World Bank –Through BEEs, Trademark East Africa (TMEA), and European Union (EU).These supports are highly commended and appreciated.