Mfumo wa Majadiliano
Mfumo wa Majadiliano
The Public-Private Dialogues framework in Tanzania institutionalize dialogues in the form of business councils, formal meetings, discussions and other consultative fora. Tanzania is striving to overcome the ad-hoc and ubiquitous nature of PPDs, down to technical level, and work downstream to prepare a National dialogue where highest level strategic decisions are expected to be made to impact on national and international business community and the economy. The PPD framework focuses on promoting consultative mechanism to facilitate meaningful reforms informed by proceedings and resolutions from different levels PPDs and lesson from monitoring and evaluation of implemented resolutions. The PPDs facilitate better diagnosis of the businesses environment and investment climate issues, design of coordinated policies and reforms, promote transparency, good governance, and build an atmosphere of mutual trust and understanding between the public and private sectors. Some details of the PPD framework are given herein under.
Public-Private Dialogues shall be conducted in different levels from sub-national, sub-sectoral to national level. The objective of PPDs is to ensure the interests of the Government, private sector and community at large are catered for in economic policy formulation so that businesses and investment can grow and prosper and create wealth for the country. Dialogues can either be structured or unstructured (ad hoc), formal or informal, wide-ranging or focused on specific issues. Sector-specific PPDs or issue-specific PPDs are encouraged to provide for a more focused, greater attention and incentive to collaborate, and a more opportunity for action. The PPDs agenda for discussion are expected to be derived from either private sector and/or public sector in a coordinated and organized manner, and with the support of evidence-based research, jointly identified economy-wide or sector-specific binding constraints.
2. Inter-Linkage within PPD Levels
The PPDs framework shall provide backwards and forward linkages between different dialogue platforms and among private and public sectors. It shall also provide linkage between structured and ad hoc dialogues, between district and regional, ministerial and national levels. The new PPD framework allows for lower level dialogues’ proceedings and resolutions to be channeled to appropriate higher level PPD fora. T Policy directives agreed at higher level of dialogues such as national level shall be channeled to sub-national dialogues to enforce implementation. (See annex 2).
3. Monitoring and Evaluation Framework
TNBC Secretariat will enhance its monitoring and evaluation activities to measure the performance towards the implementation of resolutions and activities agreed upon consensually through PPDs and their outcomes. The M&E framework will include targets and performance benchmarks. Specific targets include number of meetings to be performed annually at each PPD level, number of PPDs performed at national level, participation in meeting of selected stakeholders, agenda that leads to attainment of resolution (business/problem solving resolutions), number of substantive members from each constituency at every PPD level, and number of resolutions implemented (issues resolved/total number of resolution). M&E is an integral part of managing a successful public-private dialogue process and to demonstrating its purpose and performance.